Many of you have mentioned that you are interested in volunteering for various committees or events. The Volunteers/ Committee current needs are highlighted in that section of the newsletter. Please contact the applicable Chairperson or Manager to volunteer.
Please see your newsletters or website for Pool Access Card information.
Pickle Ball has arrived at the rapids! We have a pickle ball court/tennis court now.
We also have a facebook page for the rapids! Just log into your facebook and search for the rapids neighborhood-official rpoa page. Rapids Facebook
On the left side of this Website you can register if you live in the rapids. That will give you access to the newsletters also on the left menu.
Welcome to the many new residents in The Rapids, throughout the area. Please register to view all the website documents and news. After registering you will be authorized to click on the newsletterlink on the left hand side of home page and read our newsletter on line. If you do not hear back with authorization or are unable to login, please contact web admin (Marsha mason). Text 706-831-6835. One very informative site you may want to visit is the North Augusta Chamber of commerce. Both old and new Residents might find out the events planned in North Augusta via the Chamber's events calendar. Also our residents are sometimes featured in the Riverfront Magazine if you find the time to take a look.
Please remember that our fastest means of communication with you as a resident is by Email. We continually seek to get the email address of all residents with email in our secure Database. If you are new to The Rapids, have changed your email address, or are not on the email Database please submit your email address to Richard Loftin ( )and change it on our website as well. Our email Database is used strictly for crime alerts, emergency notifications and newsletter distribution. Your address will not be given out. We also continue to need occasional volunteers to assist with work projects at the pool, clubhouse, at the entrance and other areas.
We welcome all of you and hope you will enjoy the beautiful neighborhood and help us keep it one of the most desirable areas in North Augusta. Be sure to review the covenants for your area of the Rapids to better understand the guidelines that keep our Neighborhood safe and beautiful.